Hi, everyone ! I haven't posted in 5 days sorry I am quite busy at the moment, I can only work on the challenge in the afternoon.
Update 1 : In fact, I started with the ornament that goes around the burner, It was relatively simple. I created a mask that I extracted on a part that loops, then I duplicated it all around the burner
Update 2 : I am now doing the same for the flowers on the lower part of the burner, I am trying to accurately follow the shape and placement to avoid having to make too many adjustments later.
The advantage of doing this with a mask is that everything will be well-positioned in the curve, saving me valuable time,
for the time being, I'm going to do everything in 'block-out' mode
I'm working on the whole model to keep an eye on what I'm doing, and avoid getting lost in the details too soon.